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IPPN-CEPPG Workshop on Environment Simulation and Plant Phenotyping

Controlled Environment Plant Phenotyping invited Juliane El Zohbi as a keynote speaker


The International Plant Phenotyping Network (IPPN) is an association representing the major plant phenotyping centers. The IPPN aims to provide all relevant information about plant phenotyping. Through workshops and symposia, IPPN seeks to establish different working groups and distribute all relevant information about plant phenotyping.

The working group Controlled Environment Plant Phenotyping invited Juliane El Zohbi as a keynote speaker. The presentation explained how climate models function and presented the expected future climatic conditions for Europe and the ADAPTER platform ( The audience was very eager to ask questions. The questions ranged from current climate political discussions to the set-up of climate models and their functionality but addressed also specific climate parameters.

The invitation was a spin-off of the ongoing ADAPTER platform dissemination. The event was a hybrid workshop from 24th – 25th May 2022. On-site 23 people participated, while about 50 attended online. The presentation was re-corded and will be made online available on the IPPN website soon.

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